Are you setting up a new office for your business? Maybe you have a dozen or so employees who are moving to your new office building. Not surprisingly, there’s a lot of planning to do when setting up a new office. Look at three things that should be on your list of things to do when preparing your new office.
A Logical Arrangement of Desks
You have about a dozen employees who sit at desks to do their daily work. It’s a good idea to come up with a logical arrangement for the desks that gives each of your employees easy access to the copy machine, breakroom, restrooms and the exit. Remember to put enough space between the desks so your employees will have the privacy and quiet they need to talk on the phone with clients and accomplish other tasks and also exit safely.
A Fire Safety System
Getting a fire monitor in Louisville, KY area is another thing to take care of before opening your new office. You want to keep your employees as well as your visitors safe in the event of a fire. Arranging for a fire monitor in Louisville KY means you can enjoy peace of mind about the safe environment of your new office.
A Breakroom for Employees
Another thing to prepare is the breakroom for your employees. Most breakrooms have a refrigerator for lunches and drinks. Also, have enough cabinets for sugar, salt, coffee, coffee filters, crackers and other items employees may want to use. A couple tables and a gathering of chairs also make a breakroom feel inviting to employees who are catching their breath between projects.
Lastly, when setting up your new office, it’s helpful to cross off each completed task on your list. This can be encouraging as you move closer to opening day!