How Voice Over Internet Protocol Services Use Public Telephone Gateways

by | Jan 12, 2023 | Telecommunication Services Provider

People who make calls through VoIP telephone services are of course able to talk to other handsets attached to the same network, but they’re also able to reach outside lines without any difficulty. That’s because these systems are attached to a special type of network switch called a gateway, which connects to Canada’s PSTN lines. Since these lines exist outside of the Internet itself, it’s important to ensure that these network switches always function properly in order to be able to reach an outside line.

Standard handsets that are connected to VoIP telephone services offer the same type of dial tone that you’d hear from any other phone you might come into contact with. When you start to use the touch pad to place a call, a computer system records the digits and has these sent off to one of these gateway switches. Assuming that the call is directed toward someone on an outside line, the system will register the call and connect it a telephone company central office that handles switching.

Using this kind of connection, it’s possible to make long distance phone calls to any location on earth. These calls should prove to be every bit as reliable as they would be through a cellular network or pretty much any other competing technology. That’s why so many small businesses have adopted VoIP equipment into their own workflows.

Check out some technical specifications sheets that spell out all the details related to VoIP telephone services by visiting Voiswitch online.

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