How to Obtain a Driver Licence with a TLC Class in NYC, NY

by | Nov 13, 2023 | Driving School

New York City regulations require all transport drivers to obtain a license from the Taxi and Limousine Commission to ferry passengers in taxis, limousines, and other for-hire vehicles. The following are the requirements for obtaining this type of class and the value of attending a TLC class in NYC, NY.

TLC Eligibility Requirements

You should;

  • Have a functioning Social Security Number ( SSN)
  • Be 19 years old or over
  • Have zero parking violations, tickets, or outstanding fines

Fill out the TLC Application Form

You must submit a completed application form for your TLC license, including your DMV-issued license. Afterward, you upgrade your current license to a commercial driver’s license (CDL). The charges for this service will vary.

Take a TLC 24-Hour Class

A TLC class in NYC, NY, covers various topics that include traffic rules and safe driving skills, customer service, Vision Zero, TLC regulations, and geography.

Undertake a TLC Driver’s License Exam

After completing the 24-hour course, TLC regulations require you to take an exam in a testing center. The exams are available in English and several other languages.

Once you submit the exam, the remaining steps are

  • Complete a drug test
  • Submit fingerprints
  • Obtain a medical exam
  • Upload documents like the medical results and fingerprints

If you need specialized assistance in getting your New York TLC driver’s license, feel free to contact the AA Driver Training Center.

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