Invited to a Dog’s Birthday Party? Three Things You Need to Know

by | May 6, 2024 | Gifts

As the popularity of pet ownership increases, more and more pet parents are having birthday parties for their fur babies. If you have been invited to such a celebration, you may be wondering what party etiquette demands for Fido’s big day. Here are three things to know before you attend a dog’s birthday party.

Don’t Forget the Gift

One of the most important parts of a birthday party is the presents, and a dog’s birthday is no exception. Fortunately, there are many great gifts for dogs that are affordable and sure to please. Consider a chew toy, tasty treats or a pet store gift card.

Bring Your Own Four-legged Friends

If you get an invite for a dog’s birthday party, chances are that your own dogs are also welcome. Ask the host just to make sure, and consider leaving any dogs that are reactive or dislike other dogs at home.

Most Importantly, Have Fun

Even more important than the peanut butter cake, fancy puppachinos and gifts for dogs is that everyone has a good time. Greet the guest of honor with some good head scratches, and enjoy some quality playtime with the birthday boy or girl.

Are you looking for the perfect gift for your furry friend? Pooch Perks is a monthly dog subscription box with a different theme each month and a variety of treats, toys and accessories procured through small USA businesses. Learn more at

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