Choosing the Right Baby Laundry Detergent

by | Feb 6, 2023 | Baby essentials Store

With a new baby around, you’ll be doing lots of laundry. Choosing the right baby laundry detergent for your little one’s delicate skin is an important decision. You want to make sure that their clothes are clean and safe for them to wear.

Types of Detergents

When it comes to picking out baby laundry detergent, there are several types available. You can find conventional detergents, which use harsh chemicals to get rid of dirt and stains; natural detergents, which use plant-based ingredients; and hypoallergenic detergents, which are specifically designed for those with sensitive skin or allergies.

When shopping for baby laundry detergent for a baby with sensitive skin it’s best to choose a detergent that is hypoallergenic.


It’s also important to pay attention to the ingredients found in each type. Conventional detergents typically contain surfactants. These surfactants can be irritating to some babies’ skin and eyes, so you may want to consider this and avoid conventional detergents altogether.

Hypoallergenic detergents, such as Cycles, contain no fragrances or dyes that can cause reactions in babies with allergies or sensitivities.

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