How Do Underground Leak Detection Services Work?

by | May 2, 2023 | Water utility company

As a home or business owner throughout Virginia, knowing you have an underground water leak is the first step in the process. Hiring a plumbing service to complete the repairs without knowing where the leak is in the line can be costly.

Traditionally, plumbing companies attempt to narrow down the possible locations for the leak and then either dig out the existing line in the yard or start breaking up the floor with a jackhammer to find the damaged pipe. This can take time and add to the cost of both finding the leak and then repairing the damage caused in the process.

Specialized Underground Leak Detection Services

Specialized companies offering underground leak detection services use a different method to pinpoint the location of the leak. They have state-of-the-art equipment that relies on a variety of technologies to “hear” the leak in the pipe and identify where to dig or remove flooring.

These companies use specialized equipment that detects the presence of the pipe, which allows the technician to know exactly where the line runs from the main to the house, under the slab or foundation, or in the house if there is a leak in an interior water line.

They also use sensitive microphones that transmit sound to an amplified digital acoustic device. The technician can hear the water escaping from the damaged area of the pipe, even if there is no surface pooling or other visible signs of a problem.

When you suspect a leak on your property in Virginia, call on specialized underground leak detection services to reduce the cost of fixing the problem.

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