Steps to Make Sure Your Funeral Plans Are Followed by Funeral Companies

by | Jan 23, 2023 | Funeral Services

End-of-life planning involves making a series of important decisions, including whether to be cremated or buried, the type of burial, and who will lead the service. Communicating these choices to your funeral company in Southfield is important to ensure they are carried out as desired. Here are some steps to take to make sure your funeral plan is followed correctly:

Write Out Your Funeral Plans

To ensure that your end-of-life wishes are carried out, it’s important to document them separately from your will. Once you’ve written out the details, keep them in an easily accessible location and inform your loved ones of where they can be found. Additionally, consider giving copies of your funeral plans to multiple friends or family members to prevent them from getting lost.

Pre-Pay Expenses

Prepaying your funeral company in Southfield can help ensure that your end-of-life plans are carried out as desired. During the funeral planning process, consider paying for as much of the costs in advance as possible. Doing so will make your loved ones less likely to make changes that would incur additional fees.

Assign a Durable Power of Attorney

A Durable Power of Attorney (DPOA) is a legal document that allows you to appoint someone to act on your behalf in case of incapacitation. It is an important tool to ensure that your final wishes are carried out by someone you trust. By assigning a DPOA, the appointed person can make medical, financial, and legal decisions on your behalf. If you are looking for a funeral company in Southfield that will honor your end-of-life plans, consider visiting Holy Sepulcher for more information.

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