The Most Common Reasons Why Pets Visit a Veterinarian in Sarasota

by | May 7, 2024 | Veterinarian

Your pet may need to visit the vet for a variety of reasons. Some of the main reasons pets visit a veterinary clinic in Sarasota, FL, include an upset stomach, UTI infections, or skin conditions.

Some of the top reasons dogs visit the veterinarian include skin conditions, ear infections, growths, pain, allergies, and cancer. The top reasons cats visit the veterinarian include stomach issues, UTIs, pain, foreign body obstruction, and allergies.

In addition to addressing a particular condition that your pet may have, you may want to take your pet to a veterinary clinic in Sarasota, FL, to get regular checkups. If pets are not taken to their annual visits, they can become at risk for ticks, heart warms, fleas, rabies, and other diseases that could lead to fatal issues. Dogs and cats need to get vaccinated every year to protect them from harm and ensure that they don’t have underlying conditions that might have gotten worse as they get older.

Annual checkups can save a pet in the case of parasites or tumors that are a minor problem now but could become bigger problems in the future. Some pet owners avoid going to the veterinarian because they are concerned about the price of both the visit and the medication. However, it is usually less expensive to bring pets in for routine care and treatment than to address a major issue.

Learn more about pet veterinary care, and see how the team at Veterinary Surgery Center of Sarasota is helping pet owners improve the lives of their pets when you visit the website

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