When you plan a large-scale event for your company, you might carefully consider what kinds of food and beverages you want to serve at it. You may want to include fare that everyone at the gathering will enjoy and find convenient to serve and eat.
However, you might find yourself at a loss when it comes to creating an ideal menu and buying the ingredients for it. Rather than worry about this task yourself, you can outsource it to a company that offers services like corporate party catering in Eugene, OR.
As you put together this large gathering, you may find that you have plenty to keep you busy. You may have to arrange the seating chart and design the decoration scheme, for example. You may also have to decide whom to invite to the event.
The caterer can handle the task of putting together a menu for it. This contractor can decide what foods to serve and what beverages to make available to guests. The catering service may also include the setup of the buffet and take down after the event ends.
You may also get practical items like flatware and table linens included with the price you pay for your corporate party catering in Eugene, OR. You can find out more about this option online. To set up an appointment to meet with the caterer or learn about pricing, check out Kico’s Barbecue at Kicosbbq.com for more details.