What to Know About Jewelry Restoration in Los Angeles

by | Dec 12, 2022 | Jeweler

Do you know the difference between repairing and restoring jewelry? A jeweler performs repairs to improve the piece’s integrity. Restorations, on the other hand, give new life and sparkle to your glittering treasure. Here are a few things about jewelry restoration in Los Angeles.

Restoring Inheritance Jewelry

Sometimes, older pieces can look dull, cheap, and out of style. Pieces handed down from previous generations hold much more than sentimental value. Jewelry restoration in Los Angeles can help bring new life and sometimes value to a bracelet, ring, or necklace. It can be regifted to another family member close to the original owner.

Original Paperwork

Before heading to the jeweler, find your original sales receipt for insurance purposes. If you don’t have the original paperwork, look online to determine what pieces like it are selling for in the open market. It’s good to know what each piece is worth, even if just for your peace of mind.

Restoring a Piece Is Almost Always an Option

No matter how bad a piece looks, advances in restoration techniques can help. Even if you think there is no way jewelry restoration in Los Angeles is possible, talk to a jeweler about it and let the professional be the judge.

Always Inspect the Work

Even though you aren’t a jeweler, you can still observe a lot about a piece after the work is finished. Do you see any signs of soldering or cutting? Are the stones secure in their settings, or do they move around? Do you notice any visible tool marks? Check the piece before you leave the building.

Do you need jewelry restoration in Los Angeles? Visit the Ricardo Basta Fine Jewelry website to learn more.

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