Factors to Consider When Selecting a Fuel Oil Delivery Company in Wilton, CT

by | May 22, 2019 | Oil and Gas

Fuel oil is commonly used for heating purposes throughout many parts of the country. Many people prefer using fuel oil in their furnaces or heaters because it’s so convenient and also offers greater efficiency. In some cases, the use of fuel oil is borne out of necessity. If you don’t have access to a direct gas line, using a furnace with a gas heater is arguably the best decision. There are many factors that you need to consider when selecting a fuel oil delivery company. Here are just a few important factors to consider when ordering from any fuel oil delivery company.


The first and most important thing that you need to check is the price charged by the company for their fuel oil delivery. Some companies charge a higher price for their fuel oil delivery, while others are often willing to give discounts to their customers. You need to make sure that you order from a company that offers affordable pricing solutions. One of the best companies that you can call is Montanari Fuel Service, Inc. This company has established itself as one of the leading providers of fuel oil throughout Wilton, CT and they have a robust customer base.

Delivery Timings

Another important factor you need to check is the time that it takes for the company to process your delivery. Before you place an order with any fuel oil delivery company in Wilton, CT, it’s important that you check with the delivery timings. Find out how much time they will take to deliver the order and then make a decision accordingly. If you don’t have a storage tank installed, you won’t be able to order a bulk delivery.

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