What You Can Learn from a Certified Divorce Coach in Phoenix, AZ

by | Mar 2, 2023 | Financial consultant

The stress of going through the process can be overwhelming if you face a divorce. A certified divorce coach in Phoenix, AZ, can help you navigate this stressful time and improve your chances of getting a fair settlement. Here are several things that a certified divorce coach can do to help:

Assess Your Finances

You must know your financial situation in a divorce. A certified divorce coach can help you assess your financial position and ensure that all the assets are correctly accounted for to get a fair settlement. They will also help determine how much money will be needed for the divorce process and any future expenses that may arise from the split.

Assess Your Emotional Needs

Certified divorce coaches can help you assess your emotional needs and address them in a way that’s best for you. This task is crucial because divorce is when strong emotions are likely to come up.

  • Anger and resentment: Anger is a normal reaction to being hurt or wronged by someone close to us, but it can also be destructive if we don’t know how to manage it appropriately.
  • Depression and anxiety: Depression affects everyone differently; some people experience symptoms like sadness, while others may feel hopelessness or worthlessness.

Create a Future Plan

The divorce process can be emotionally and financially draining, but it’s essential to have a plan for your future. A certified divorce coach in Phoenix, AZ, can help you create a plan to help you achieve your goals while working through the divorce process.

Manage Your Stress

Divorce is stressful for everyone involved. You may feel overwhelmed by the process and the emotions it brings, but even if you feel confident and ready to proceed with your divorce, it can still be helpful to have a coach who can guide you through this challenging time. A certified divorce coach will work with you on managing personal and professional stressors so they don’t get in the way of making crucial decisions about your future.

If you need help from a certified divorce coach in Phoenix, AZ, visit the Bridge Divorce Strategies website to learn more.

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