A Master of Fine Arts Degree in Ceramics in Chicago

by | Jul 4, 2024 | Education

An MFA in Ceramics can help elevate your career and open new opportunities. If you’re a ceramics artist, discover insights into the MFA in Ceramics program at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC).

Working Outside the Box

The practice and study of ceramics at SAIC is urgently contemporary, drawing from a variety of cultural and technical traditions and industry applications. SAIC’s Ceramics department provides classes that delve into various interdisciplinary topics in ceramics.

SAIC graduate students are also encouraged to explore and learn about other mediums besides ceramics. They can work with graduate advisors in any department.

Critique weeks including SAIC faculty and visiting artists and designers are done as part of intensive studio critiques which allow students to receive evaluations of their work.


The School of the Art Institute of Chicago offers many valuable resources to students, including free bulk materials, kilns, a variety of tools, etc.

The museum connected to SAIC, The Art Institute of Chicago, provides outstanding assortments of ceramics, paintings, sculptures, and more, acting as an asset for academic research and study purposes.

Learn More About SAIC

The School of the Art Institute of Chicago offers a comprehensive, explorative MFA Ceramics program to its students. The school has state-of-the-art facilities and experienced staff to help you navigate the graduate program. What’s more? When you enroll, you join a community of artists with a profound passion for art.

To learn more about the Ceramics department at SAIC, visit their website.

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