In most cases, an asbestos inspection in Sydney is required if you think a particular material is made of the substance or there is a specific situation in which asbestos has been known to be present. Regardless of why, it is important to get the situation inspected as quickly as possible because asbestos is a dangerous substance that can cause severe upper respiratory illnesses. While surveys are also available from most companies, they are different than an inspection, which focuses on a single area or material. Someone must come to your location, visually inspect the materials, take samples, and send them to a NATA-accredited laboratory for analysis.
An asbestos inspection in Sydney may be required for many reasons. For example, you may suspect a material to contain asbestos after it was recently disturbed. You may know for a fact that a material contains asbestos and know that it was disturbed, which means all the employees who might have come in contact with it could be exposed. In this situation, you need to know what other areas are now contaminated and have air monitoring done to estimate exposure levels to the airborne asbestos fibres. Many times, you may request an inspection before demolition or refurbishment work, as well.
At Safety & Environmental Services Australia, they have trained occupational hygienists to handle asbestos inspection in Sydney. They know how challenging it is to work around asbestos, but they also know that it can be safe if the area is sealed off and nothing is handled. When things go awry, they can come in to assess the situation and perform air quality checks. If you need your entire building checked for asbestos, you need their asbestos survey instead, which is handled by their asbestos consultant. Either way, you can call on them to get the right assessment of your property or item.