Produced Water Treatment In The Midwest: What You Need To Know

by | Dec 1, 2023 | Business

Water is life – in most cases. The rules are different when the water is a byproduct of the natural gas and oil extraction process. This produced water has many contaminants, like radioactive compounds, metals, and salts. It’s important to remove these compounds before discharging or reusing the water. This process, produced water treatment, has several benefits:

Environmental protection: Helps prevent pollution of surface water, groundwater, and soil, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Water reuse: Enables its reuse for various purposes, such as irrigation, industrial processes, power generation, and even drinking water.

Cost reduction: Lowers the disposal costs and the freshwater consumption of the oil and gas industry, which can improve its economic viability and sustainability.

Resource recovery: Recovers valuable resources, such as critical minerals, rare earth elements, and hydrocarbons, that are for clean energy and other applications.

Produced water treatment is just one aspect of full spectrum oilfield production chemicals and services. Other components help:

Enhance the recovery and quality of oil and gas by preventing or reducing issues such as corrosion and scale. Other issues they help with are paraffin, asphaltene, emulsion, foam, and bacteria.

Protect the integrity and safety of the equipment and infrastructure. Their chemicals and services minimize wear and tear, extend their lifespan, and reduce maintenance costs.

The produced water treatment service helps companies reduce emissions, waste, and water consumption. It also helps companies comply with regulations and standards. So, if your company is in the Midwestern US, it’ll interest you to know that Flatirons Chemicals provides their customers with customized and integrated products and services that address the specific needs and challenges of each project and site.

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